Mand og kvinde holder hånd

Over­blik in­ter­na­tio­na­le æg­te­ska­ber

Overblik over emner Familieretshuset kan hjælpe med om internationale ægteskaber.

I er nor­diske stats­bor­gere el­ler har tidsu­be­græn­set op­hold i Dan­mark

Du og din partner vil giftes. I er nordiske statsborgere eller har tidsubegrænset opholdstilladelse i Danmark.

I er EU/EØS-stats­bor­gere

Du og din partner vil giftes. I er begge fra EU-lande eller fra Schweiz.

I er stats­bor­gere uden for Eu­ro­pa/EØS

Du og din partner vil giftes. Minimum én af jer er statsborgere fra et land, der ligger uden for Europa/EØS

Vi­deogu­ide - så­dan sø­ger du prø­vel­se­s­at­test

På siden her kan du se fire videoer, der forklarer, hvordan du og din partner skal ansøge om en prøvelsesattest hos Familieretshuset.

About pho­tos of your ID-do­cu­ment

About Photos of your ID-document How to take photos of your ID-documents with your smartphone camera 1. Find a well-lit room. Place your document as flat as possible on a plain background, such as a table. 2. Focus the image in the center of the document. Make sure that all the edges of the document are visible. 3. Take a photo from directly above. Do not use flash! 4. Make sure that all the personal information is legible and visible. 5. Send us a few different images from different angles to help us assess and verify your document.

About pho­tos of your pas­sport

About photos of your passport How to take photos of your passport with your smartphone camera 1. Find a well-lit room. Place your document as flat as possible on a plain background, such as a table. 2. Focus the image in the center of the document. Make sure that all the edges of the document are visible. 3. Take a photo from directly above. Do not use flash! 4. Make sure that all the personal information is legible and visible. 5. Send us a few different images from different angles to help us assess and verify your document.