Vi­deo gu­ide - how to ap­ply for a cer­ti­fi­cate of ma­ri­tal sta­tus

On this page, you can see 4 videos that explain how you and your partner must apply for a certificate of marital status should you wish to get married in Denmark.

To get married in Denmark you must obtain what is known as a certificate of marital status (prøvelsesattest). This requires that you meet the conditions in the Danish Act on the Formation and Dissolution of Marriage (the Marriage Act).

The video below provides an overview of the entire application process.



Before you start the application process

Please beware before you start your application process that there are several requirements which the necessary documentation must fulfil. Watch the video below for more information.



When your application is approved

If you meet the requirements for getting married in Denmark, you will receive a letter of approval from the Agency of Family Law. The video below shows the process after your application is approved.



If the Agency of Family Law requires additional information

If the Agency of Family Law requires additional information or clarification regarding your application, we will request such in writing. There can be many reasons why we need additional information. The video below shows what happens if we need more information from you.

