
Ældre nyhed: 18. August 2022

New pra­cti­ce for do­cu­men­ta­tion for vi­si­ta­tion re­gar­ding child and youth be­ne­fits

It is no longer possible to document visitation through decisions made by the Agency of Family Law, if the decision has solely been made to document visitation.
Ældre nyhed: 11. April 2022

We re­cei­ve a lot of mar­ri­a­ge ap­pli­ca­tions at the mo­ment

We are currently receiving a lot of applications for marriage between Danish citizens and a foreign partner. We are trying our best to process all applications as fast as we can and within five days. However, you must expect at processing time of approximately eight weeks if we lack crucial information in your case.
Ældre nyhed: 19. February 2019

EN Så er mo­dulsi­der­ne op­ret­tet

Beskrivelse af så er modulsiderne oprettet.
Ældre nyhed: 19. February 2019

Nyhed uden bil­le­de

Beskrivelse af nyhed uden billede