Da­ta Pro­tection Po­li­cy

Information about the Agency of Family Law’s processing of your personal data, etc.

When the Agency of Family Law processes your data, we have significant focus on the data being processed securely and not coming to the knowledge of unauthorized persons.

The Agency of Family Law needs to process personal data in order to perform our regulatory task and to provide good service. This applies to information about citizens, associations, companies, employees and partners.

On this page you can find general information on where the Agency of Family Law obtains your data and how long we keep the data.

Moreover, you can find contact information on the Data Protection Officer used by the Agency of Family Law.

If you have questions about our processing of your personal data, you are welcome to contact our Data Protection Officer. You can also contact the Data Protection Officer if you have a suspicion that the Agency of Family Law has violated confidentiality in the handling of your or other persons’ data.

These guidelines shall be applicable from May 25, 2018.